Monday, August 24, 2009

Michael Jackson Paintings

Finding an Original That You Will Be Happy With

Michael Jackson paintings are growing in popularity with every day that passes since his shocking and unfortunate death. His death was like one of those situations where you will always remember where you were when you heard about it. I was painting a house when my wife came in and told me. I couldn't believe it. It took me a few seconds to register the thought, totally unbelievable.

I, like thousands of others, have been a huge fan of Michael Jackson. I can remember being a kid and trying to do the moonwalk. I used to have posters of him on my wall. As life moved on the posters came down, but the love for his music stayed strong.

When I head of his death I knew it was time to again put up some Michael Jackson paintings. It certainly is not hard to find all kinds of different paintings of the king of pop. The internet is full of artist selling their work. Right away I found many great posters and paintings that I liked. I didn't make any purchases though because I wanted to shop around and find a truly unique interpretation, a painting that was just as unique as Michael himself.

Recently I read an article saying that Ganizu, the internationally known artist from Chile, was coming out of his semi-retirement of painting celebrities, to paint one last celebrity picture in honor of Michael Jackson. I remember hearing about Ganizu back in the mid-90's when his painting of Pope John Paul II became famous for being blessed by the Pope himself. So I checked out his interpretation.

I love it. He actually painted two different paintings of Jackson doing his moonwalk, but they are totally unique and unlike any other painting of him that you've ever seen. I don't know what the original paintings cost, but I bought a copy of the original for a good price. I got it in the mail just the other day and it is awesome. I love it. I totally recommend to any real fan of Micheal Jackson any of the two Ganizu paintings. Here is a link to the site that I bought my paintings from

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